Monday, August 4, 2008

But you have no idea

This is the blog of Kevin Rehberg.

I read recently that in order to have success in the business world these days, you need to take control of your online image.

So that my fellow bloggers is exactly what I am doing. You can thank "crazy lady" Julia Allison (who seems to be a self-promoting genius) for my venture into the big bad blog world. See her page here

As a side note: I have been writing online for a while now. You can read a few of my previous posts (all sports related) at

With the required items and legalities out of the way, lets commence blogging.

So, tell me about yourself. If I had a nickel for everytime I heard that.... well I'd have about 10 cents. I am currently writing a book (who isn't?) which will be complete sometime before 2015. Seriously, it is a lot of work.

Today after work (there is that word again) I am going to an Arizona Diamondback game, a friend of mine scored box seats along the third baseline. I will upload a few photos later. (This is where you become jealous of me).

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